The Artificial Intelligence Profit Wave

You Could Earn 115%... 240%... Even 874% With These "Pure Play" AI Stocks
Or Your Money Back



You’ve just discovered how OpenAI and ChatGPT are creating an artificial intelligence revolution!

Over 100 million users are already using this AI chatbot. And that’s why…

  • Microsoft is investing $13 billion in OpenAI.
  • Google is investing $400 million in an AI startup and releasing its own artificial intelligence chatbot.
  • Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg are investing billions in AI – and implementing the technology at Tesla, Amazon and Meta Platforms.

Frankly, this is the next breakthrough technology. And yet 98% of the world is sitting on the sidelines.

Artificial intelligence will be the next $1 trillion technology boom, according to investment bank UBS.

That’s why it’s critical to jump on board the AI Profit Wave right now.

Act now and you could be looking at 874% profits with the top pure play AI stocks.

Grab instant access to the special reports – giving you the NAMES, TICKER SYMBOLS and complete analysis on my top AI stock picks.


Discover The True AI Game Changers:
Claim Your Bonus Reports ASAP

The Artificial Intelligence revolution is here…

That’s why billionaires… tech giants including Microsoft and Google… and Silicon Valley’s most successful venture capitalists are jumping in.

“ChatGPT is a Tipping Point for AI,” according to the Harvard Business Review.

“A New Area of AI Booms, Even Amid the Tech Gloom,” says the New York Times.

“AI’s New Creative Streak Sparks a Silicon Valley Gold Rush,” writes Wired.

There’s a ton of excitement around everything “artificial intelligence.” And you’re going to see hundreds of stocks claiming to be AI.

Yet you’ve already discovered that the biggest winners will be the AI Pure Play Stocks.

These companies are 100% focused on artificial intelligence. They’re already serving hundreds of clients and earning millions in profits.

Claim these just-released reports to discover everything – including NAMES, TICKERS and PRICE TARGETS of the best stocks to BUY NOW.

$1 Trillion Artificial Intelligence Profit Wave

$397 VALUE

Artificial intelligence is taking the world by a storm.

Over 1 billion knowledge workers will soon be embracing AI. They’ll be using these time-saving tools every single day.

Plus, every company including manufacturers… retailers… banks… and the service industry will soon be using AI, robotics and machine learning to improve their business efficiency.

UBS says that it’ll be a $1 trillion per year industry. And a boutique research firm says it’s growing from $185 billion this year – to $1.6 trillion by 2030.

That’s 864% growth!

Read this report ASAP for a big picture view of everything AI. It gives you a complete understanding of the size and scope of this huge opportunity.

The World's #1 AI Pure Play Stock

$497 VALUE

OpenAI may be the hot new startup.

However, one little-known stock has been quietly building AI tools from its headquarters in the Rocky Mountains.

Over 300 clients pay $5 - $10 million per year for this AI software. And top clients include Bank of America, Exxon, AT&T, CVS and the U.S. government.

The company is seeing huge demand. Sales are booming and the company just turned its first profit – an important turning point for the stock.

Plus, the CEO reports that the company could soon be acquired. That’s why it’s critical to buy shares ASAP.

This report reveals the NAME and TICKER and all the details. And today you can grab the stock for less than $10 per share!

AI Powering America's 4th Industrial Revolution

$497 VALUE

America’s 4th industrial revolution is underway – thanks to…

Energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables… EVs and the electrification of everything… and the on-shoring of manufacturing to North America.

One company is using AI, automation, robotics and machine learning to help clients navigate the transition. And it’s never seen more demand for these solutions.

Business is taking off with sales approaching $8 billion! Meanwhile, the company is incredibly profitable with 20% profit margins.

Claim this report for the NAME, TICKER and price target for this stock.

The Secret Backdoor to OpenAI and ChatGPT

$497 VALUE

OpenAI is the hottest startup in Silicon Valley.

The firm’s ChatGPT is the fastest growing app in the world – topping 100 million users in less than 2 months!

OpenAI’s private value recently doubled to hit $29 billion. And the company could IPO within the next year.

Today you can claim a stake in OpenAI – BEFORE the Initial Public Offering. Read this report for urgent details and instructions.

Tech Billionaire Launches Next AI Stock for 874% Profits

$497 VALUE

Fortune 500 companies are rushing to implement AI solutions. And they’re turning to this enterprise provider that’s already partnered with Amazon and Google.

Big name clients include 3M, Bank of America, Berkshire Hathaway, Microsoft, Merck and Shell. Plus, the company just signed a contract worth $100 million per year with the U.S. government.

This undiscovered AI stock is founded by a tech insider. His last stock soared 874% after the IPO. And this new AI stock could see even bigger profits.

Get this report for details – including NAME and TICKER.

Let These AI Stocks Help Build YOUR
Million Dollar Portfolio

These five research reports are being released for members of my Million Dollar Portfolio!

Million Dollar Portfolio is a private investment club. Simply join me today and you’ll see how I’m growing my personal portfolio by 1,000% with AI stocks playing an important role.

I first opened access in 2009 – investing $100,000 of my own savings in the best stocks for explosive profits. The account is now approaching $800,000. And my goal is to grow this account to $1 million by the end of the year.

For the last 14-years I’ve been identifying the biggest growth trends – and my members have had a chance at maximum gains including:

  • Tesla Motors +809% --- electric vehicles
  • Google +890% --- internet advertising
  • Cronos Group +1,012% --- legal cannabis
  • MasterCard +1,358% --- e-commerce and online payments
  • Netflix +5,981% --- streaming video and the death of cable TV

My latest research aims to help you uncover the next huge winners – with undiscovered AI stocks that are taking off.

First, you’ll claim urgent special reports with 4 high conviction AI stocks to “BUY NOW.”

These action-packed reports will jumpstart your portfolio with my top investment ideas for the coming year. Each stock idea has the potential to at least double in the next year.

Second, you’ll get complete access to my Million Dollar Portfolio investment club.

That means you’ll get complete access to watch my every move in my REAL MONEY portfolio. Every buy. Every sell. Plus, I’ll give you advance notice of every single trade. And that means YOU could buy my top stocks BEFORE I add them to my own account.

Here’s everything you’ll get with your membership:

  • Two new stock recommendations per month
  • Weekly newsletter with comprehensive market analysis, updates, and new opportunities
  • Timely trade alerts sent straight to your inbox and phone via SMS when I’m buying, selling, or re-positioning
  • Real-money portfolio tracker so you can see all LIVE positions, buy up-to prices, and closed positions
  • VIP concierge customer support – call or email ANY TIME with questions or comments – my # is 888-875-1960
  • Members-only dashboard with ALL your research reports, newsletters, alerts, and portfolio positions in one, simple, easy-to-access location

$1,990 Value - Available for 20 Minutes

Claim your spot within the next 20-minutes and I’ll rush you two extra bonus reports! These reports are a special gift to thank you for acting quickly.

These Fast Action Bonus stocks could be among the biggest winners from the Artificial Intelligence Profit Wave. And they’re not available – unless you reply within 20-minutes (just complete the form below).

The AI Marketing Platform for the Fortune 100

$497 VALUE

This tech stock has been building its AI-powered marketing platform for the last 15 years – long before “AI” was the hot buzzword.

More than 1/3 of the companies in the Fortune 100 rely on THIS company to run online marketing and e-commerce.

Business is booming – with sales expected to top $1 billion within 2 years. Plus, the company is already incredibly profitable.

Today you can buy up shares for less than $10 per share. My target price suggests the stock price could jump to more than $30 per share.

That’s a potential profit of more than 240%!

OpenAI Founder Launches New Pre-IPO

$497 VALUE

Sam Altman is the founder and CEO of OpenAI. His company’s ChatGPT is THE reason that Artificial Intelligence is taking off.

Sam has a wildly success track record investing in the hottest IPOs – including Airbnb, Stripe, DoorDash, and Coinbase.

Now he’s quietly preparing for a brand-new IPO. And if you act now – you can buy your Pre-IPO shares right before this goes public.

Investing in Sam’s previous Pre-IPOs have seen gains of 10X… 20X… and even more than 30X.

Act now – because I’m expecting a major announcement soon.


Double Your Money in These Pure-Play AI Stocks or Your Money Back

Your satisfaction and success are backed by my 100% money-back guarantee.

As I told you in the presentation, Artificial Intelligence is taking the world by a storm. Microsoft, NVIDIA and Google are already roaring higher already.

Now a tiny group of Pure-Play AI stocks are preparing to take off – handing investors potential gains of 115%... 240%... and even 874%.

I'm absolutely convinced that you have a great chance to AT LEAST double your money in these stocks.

In fact, I'm so certain of this... that I'm putting my money where my mouth is with this 100% money back guarantee:

If you don't make a total return of 100% by the end of 12 months, you can have ALL of your subscription fee back. No questions asked.

That means that, after 12 months as a Million Dollar Portfolio member, if you have not made a total return of 100% on my recommendations, you can request a complete refund of your membership fee.

With everything to gain – and nothing to lose – now is the time to get started with your…


Reserve Your Spot and Lock-In the Best Deal Ever

Today you can join Million Dollar Portfolio and lock-in a huge 85% discount.

Plus, I’ve got one FINAL bonus for you.

Claim the PREMIUM PLAN below and you’ll get 3-years of access for less than the normal price of a 1-year membership. This includes…

  • AI Profit Wave – 5 special reports [$2,385 value]
  • Million Dollar Portfolio – 1-year of access [$1,799 value]
  • 2 Added Years of Million Dollar Portfolio [$3,598 value]
  • Fast Action Bonus – 2 BONUS special reports [$994 value]

However, please understand that access must be limited.

First, this special offer is only available to the first 50 people who respond. More than 5,000 people registered for the webinar in the last 24 hours. That means less than 1% of people can access this research.

Second, there’s a strict Midnight deadline. There will not be any extensions, exceptions or second chances.


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Call: 888-875-1960


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